Sunday 23 January 2011

Prologue substitute part.2.

"After this initial shock I got to my bus.Asked the driver about our itinerary.He wasnt sure where he was going,he said as he just started to work today....Oh boy!  Thanks! I asked  for a lift in town among the parking limos and taxis,but all were busy with other fare .Not to mention they were pricey. Finally I found a white and sparkly clean ford minivan with a stenciled sign on it: Downtown Shuttle Service. Asked the driver-a  pretty redhead in her twenties- for a lift.OK I’ll drop you at your hotel-she said happily. .... I still couldnt say peace to my oncoming thoughts.Needed my hotelroom and a peaceful Long haul flight was a killer. Once I checked in and layed down on my bed then a coma-like slumber overtook me.."

"Never in my wildest dreams would have foreseen the chain of everyday happenings and unusual encounters what I have lived through. The battles what I’ve fought. Adventures what I have contrived and difficult situations what I have survived."
"Wherever I’ve wondered in North America I’ve met a variety of people. I’ve approached all of them in my encounters on a friendly and with a sort of Christian naivety, thus I’ve got different results. Therefore I have changed deliberately some of the actual persons and character’s names in this book. They will thank me later...."

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